For the record launch performance register here
John Cage Two4 for violin and sho
Performed by Aisha Orazbayeve and Naomi Sato
Recorded and produced by Peiman Khosravi. Cover design by Chris Bigg.
Two4 is released digitally on July 7th on SN Variations
Live performance Gagosian Gallery London July 7th 7pm in support of PROEM-AID
Gagaku traditional Oshikicho no Choshi, the tuning song of the summer – solo sho
John Cage Two4 – violin and sho
Orlando Gibbons Fantasies – violin and treble viol
Georg Philip Telemann Canonic Sonatas – violin and treble viol
Aisha Orazbayeva (violin), Naomi Sato (sho) & Liam Byrne (treble viol)
All proceeds will go to PROEM-AID, organisation dedicated to saving migrants lives at sea.
Live performance registration: